Whether you have an Autism diagnosis or not, support groups can be an excellent resource both for learning about Autism and for receiving and sharing emotional support. We have groups for children, teens and adults who are Autistic or have Autistic loved ones. Scroll down to explore our support groups and other ways you can connect with the ASO community.
CLICK HERE for a list of Support/Social Groups that are meeting online.
For Support Groups in Each Region, click on the map or on the Region number.
Region 1
Click above, or on the map, for a list of support/social groups in these counties:
Baker, Grant, Malheur, Morrow, Umatilla, Union and Wallowa
To contact Chapter Reps in this region:
Winnie Burnett 541-377-0790
JulieKay Dudley 541-562-6137
Cassiopaia Smith 541-910-1328
Sharyn Smith 541-240-4064
Heather Hert 541-212-6589
Region 2
Click above, or on the map, for a list of support/social groups in these counties:
Crook, Deschutes, Gilliam, Harney, Jefferson, Sherman, Wheeler and Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
Chapter Reps: Open! Please contact ASO at info@AutismSocietyOregon.org or 503-636-1676 if interested in a volunteer position.
Region 3
Click above, or on the map, for a list of support/social groups in these counties:
Curry, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Klamath and Lake
To contact Chapter Reps in this region:
Rhonda Smerdon 541-261-8357
Misty Suppah 541-777-1187
Region 4
Click above, or on the map, for a list of support/social groups in these counties:
Benton, Coos, Lincoln, and Linn
To contact Chapter Reps in this region:
Martha Muirhead 541-551-1289
Region 5
Click above, or on the map, for a list of support/social groups in these counties:
Marion, Polk, Yamhill
To contact Chapter Reps in this region:
Tahleah Clark 503-400-8177
Cassidy Weisz 971-237-7013
Maria Alcaraz 971-241-9264 (Habla Espanol)
Region 6
Click above, or on the map, for a list of support/social groups in these counties:
Clackamas, Wasco, Hood River and Multnomah
To contact Chapter Reps in this region:
Lori Ball 503-636-1676
Dori Fenech 929-422-9830 (Habla Espanol)
Region 7
Click above, or on the map, for a list of support/social groups in this county:
To contact Chapter Reps in this region:
Amber Perry 541-633-8293
Mary-Minn Sirag 541-689-2228
Region 8
Click above, or on the map, for a list of support/social groups in these counties:
Washington, Tillamook, Clatsop, Columbia
To contact Chapter Reps in this region:
Connie Gunn 503-438-0709
Lori Ball 503-636-1676
For information on Support Groups in SW Washington, click here.
Volunteer Chapter Reps are always welcome. Please contact us if you would like to help other families. To learn more, call the ASO office at (503) 636-1676 or toll-free at 1-888-AUTISM-1 (1-888-288-4761).