Did you know 1 in 36 children are diagnosed with Autism by the age of 8?
Around 2.21% of the US population is estimated to be Autistic.
That means if you haven’t already, you will meet an Autistic person. Chances are good you already know one or more Autistic individuals—and since Autism presents along a diverse spectrum, you may not even realize it.
The Autism Society of Oregon is our state’s leading organization providing resources, education, advocacy on policy matters and support for individuals and families living with Autism. Our goal is to inform, uplift, and connect members of our amazing community, making it easy to find the support you need for yourself or your loved ones.
9320 SW Barbur Blvd.,
Suite 240
Portland, OR 9721
We are committed
to these Core Principles:
Our Services
Our Community
Our Partners
Quality of Life
Our Services
We provide services without regard to a person’s age, race, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, income level or support needs
Our Community
We strongly encourage and welcome families, professionals and individuals living with autism with opportunities to participate in our governance, on our committees, and as staff members
Our Partners
We partner with others to advance the well-being of all living with autism
We promote individual choice and self-determination of individuals living with autism, aided by parental and guardian advocacy
Quality of Life
We recognize a person living with autism can and should be able to maximize his/her quality of life and oppose any denial of their opportunities
We oppose any discrimination and harm directed towards individuals living with autism and their families
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Click here for ASO’s Calendar of Events!
All events of interest to the autism community throughout Oregon are included.
En Español
El Autism Society ofrece al país Información y Referencia 18,12) uno a uno de: 9:00 a.m. a 9:00 p.m. siete días a la semana (hora del este) a través de un número gratis: 800-3- AUTISM (800-328-8476) oprima 6 o por correo electrónico: espanol@autism-society.org.
También disponemos de un amplio contenido en nuestro sitio web y un directorio gratis: de los servicios y suportes disponibles en todo el país.